Companies Act, 2017
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Futures Market Act, 2016
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Anti-Money Laundering (Second Amendment) Act, 2020
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Futures Exchanges (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2017 Updated till November 17 2023
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S.R.O. (I)/2020
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S.R.O. 561 (I)2022
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S.R.O. 1913 (I)/2022
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S.R.O. 414 (I)2023
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S.R.O.1063 (I) 2023
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S.R.O. 1666 (I)/2023
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Guidelines on Anti-Money Laundering, Countering Financing of Terrorism and Proliferation Financing
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Futures Brokers (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2018 Updated upto Dec 13 2023
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S.R.O. 553 (1)/2021
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S.R.O. 1912 (I)/2022
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SECP (Anti Money Laundering, Combating the Financing of Terrorism and Countering Proliferation
Financing) Regulations, 2020
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SRO 1356 (I) /2023
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Listed Companies (Code of Corporate Governance) Regulations, 2019
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FAQs on TFS-Obligations
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FAQs by FMU related to STRs for REs
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Guidelines on implementation of UNSCRs concerning TFS on Proliferation-Financing
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USERGUIDE – Online filing of Annual AMLCFT Risk Assessment by Regulated Entities
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Please follow the below link for update on all Laws, Rules, Regulations, Notifications, Directives, Circulars And Guidelines issued by The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan from time to time:

PMEX Memorandum of Association
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PMEX Rule Book
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PMEX Articles of Association
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Guidelines Futures Brokers
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Guidelines for Customers of Futures Brokers
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PMEX Code of Conduct – Directors
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PMEX Code of Conduct – Employees
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Enforcement Actions
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Regulatory Awareness Sessions
Futures Brokers (Licensing & Operations) Regulations 2018
View Here
Amendments to Futures Brokers (Licensing & Operations) Regulations, 2018
View Here
Anti Money Laundering And Countering Financing Of Terrorism-Regulations, 2020
View Here
Key Regulatory Requirements & Common Observations
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